Tuesday, 30 December 2008

Sleepless night

i'm off to the emergency dentist after being up all night with toothache. Wish me luck! X


sharie said...

I used to be a dental nurse in a former life - you could always tell those with real toothache they were the ones sitting on the step waiting for you to open up!

Hope it isn't too painful for you!

Summer by the sea said...

Hope you get sorted out - Toothache has got to be one of the worst pains going. I enjoyed reading about the JD concert, I am another one who is Deeply Sad, I went to see him in 1989 (when I was 15) - I actually kept a piece of chewing gum I was chewing during the concert for 10 years, because I thought it might have some of his 'breath' on it - how sad is that!
Natalie x

Simone said...

I hope you got on ok at the dentist!

Shabby Chick said...

Ouch, I feel so sorry for you! How did it go?

Hugs, Mel xxx